Thursday, March 25, 2021

Preaching Course - Planning and Delivery

Scope of the Training: In this course, you will practice writing and giving sermons.

1. Watch What Do Pastors Actually... Do?

and The Difference between Preaching and Teaching

Action: Discuss what preaching is in the context of the church. How is preaching related to teaching?

2. Watch the following videos:

Three Types of Bad Sermons


Rigorous Preparation


Speaking Without Notes

Action: Discuss the three things a preacher needs to do to preach a good sermon.


3. Watch the following videos:

What is Expository Preaching?


Creating a Bible Lesson or Message from Scratch


Action: Draft a detailed plan for preparing a sermon, from start to finish.


4. Watch the following videos:

How Many Points Should a Sermon Have?

How Long Should I Preach?


Connecting with Your Audience

Calling for a Response


Sermon Manuscripts, Outlines, and, Pulpit Notes


Sermon Manuscripts: Behind the Scenes

Action: Write a full sermon manuscript as illustrated in the videos.

5. Watch 5 Ways to Immediately Improve Your Preaching

Action: Discuss the pros of cons of preaching through the Bible and preaching on topics.

Action: Discuss the pros and cons of using various types of technology in your preaching.

6. Watch Voice, Volume, Tone

Action: Discuss the importance of varying your voice and emotions while preaching.

Action: Draft a plan for what you will do when you are distracted while preaching. 

Action: Sermon Delivery #1 - Video yourself preaching a sermon and review it.

Action: Sermon Delivery #2 - Video yourself preaching a sermon and review it.

Action: Sermon Delivery #3 - Video yourself preaching a sermon and review it. 


7. Watch the following videos:

Why Follow the Church Calendar?

Church Calendar Full

How to Create a Sermon Calendar

Action: With the church calendar in mind, plan out 12 months of preaching as shown in the video.

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