Thursday, February 27, 2014

Genesis 6 Youth Sunday School Lesson

Refer to my Most Effective Way to Teach a Youth Bible Study

Discussion Points:

- Living Like Noah - God regretted making humanity because they were evil. They had only evil in the their hearts. But Noah was different. Noah was righteous, blameless, and walked with God. What about you? What's in your heart? Would God say that there is only evil there all the time, or would He find hope in you like He did in Noah. God always love us, but He's not always proud of us. Evil things that we do or think break His heart. Let us strive to be high points in God's life by being like Noah: righteous, blameless, and walking with God in all we do, say, and think. Hate sin, ask God to purify your heart so that your motive are pure, and maintain a constant conversation with God as you walk with Him throughout your day. Then God will see you as a source of hope in this dark world and will look with favor on you.

- Regret - What do you regret in life? Have your regrets for the past taken away your hope for the future? Even God had regrets. He regretted making humanity. He was going to throw the whole world away and be done with it. But then He found hope in Noah. Noah's righteous life gave God hope and caused Him to make some changes, to start over, yes, but ultimately to continue on His mission that He had started in this world. You may have regrets too. You may have things you need to change. You may need to start over. But if you commit to living righteously, like Noah did, you can also have hope that God will be with you and will bless you in your future as you also become a source of hope for Him.

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