Needed: a calendar or datebook
Flip through your calendar and say something like, Wow, am I busy! Look at all this stuff I have to do. Do any of you ever feel busy? What are you busy with?
It sounds like you are busy doing a lot of good things, but do you think it's important to rest too?
It's very important to rest. In fact, the Bible tells us that even God rested.
(Read Genesis 2:2-3.)
The Bible tells us that God worked for six days to create the world and then He rested on the seventh day. And if God rested, that means that we should rest too.
How do you like to rest when you've been busy?
One way we rest as Christians is by coming to church. We've been so busy with school and chores and homework and going to do things the rest of the week, but when we come to church, we just get to rest and visit with God for a little while. God likes it when we just rest in Him.
Let's pray about that.
Sample prayer: Father God, we thank You for giving us so many good things to do to keep us busy through the week, but we also thank You for the chance to rest too. We pray that You would help us to rest in You and Your love. In Jesus' name we pray. Amen.
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