Tuesday, May 4, 2021

Hebrews 4 Devotions by Stephen Taylor

Hebrews 4:12

The word of God is alive and active. 


I was thinking about Hollywood movies the other day and how many different genres there are and how people can’t get enough. Then God started laying some things on me. He was like, “Oh, you’re an action fan. We have that: Joshua and Samson. You like origin stories? Check out Genesis!! Perhaps you like a good drama. Don’t worry; read the story of King David. Or maybe you want a love story where good overcomes evil; then you would love Jesus!!”


My point is that the world is craving this richness, and since they don’t know the Bible, they don’t know it can be found there. They are using cheap imitations to try to fill that need! I think that’s where we as believers have to share more of what is really in the Bible! When I first read the Bible, I called my mom and was like, “I can’t believe how real this book is!” It’s not just some stuffy thing but a story of love, power, salvation, and hope! The world needs more of that right now!


It’s super dark out there, and things are only going to get darker, but we know the Light and can share Him with those around us! God created us and knows that different things grab our attention in different ways, so if you know someone is an action fan, get them hooked on the action parts. It doesn’t matter where you start in the Bible because it all leads to Jesus!!


I love you all, God bless, and glory to God!!



Hebrews 4:16

Let us then approach God's throne of grace with confidence, so that we may receive mercy and find grace to help us in our time of need.

As I was working out today, God reminded me of something one of my brothers in Christ once told me: “Before I knew Jesus, I used to go to God with my face pressed down to the ground, ashamed and afraid, but then I asked Jesus into my life, and now, I run into the throne room (humbly yet boldly), muddy, dirty, and stinky and jump into my Father’s lap and wrap my hands around His neck and tell Him everything! He isn’t mad that I’m dirty or smelly. He is just happy that I’m there spending time with Him and loving His Son!”

I felt led to share this as it had me in tears earlier, thinking about how great the love of Christ is that reconciled us to the Father! Thank You, Jesus. If you haven’t asked Him into your heart and want to, it’s simple. Just pray, “Lord Jesus Christ, Son of God, have mercy on me, a sinner, as I accept You as my Lord and Savior!”

I love you all, and God bless!



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