Wednesday, July 21, 2021

1 Samuel 23:16 Devotion by Stephen Taylor

1 Samuel 23:16

And Saul's son Jonathan went to David at Horesh and helped him find strength in God.


Wow, at this point in the story of David, he has (with the Lord's help, guidance, and strength) killed Goliath, been anointed by Samuel, married Saul's, daughter, fought and won many war campaigns, and talked to the Lord. The list goes on and on about how much the Lord's hand and heart were upon David and his life, yet David still needed help from those around him at times! What a breath of fresh air this was to me today because yesterday was one of those days I needed help from others!


Now, I’m not comparing myself to David at all, but it’s freeing to know that even he needed help at times! Yesterday, I felt burdened and heavy in my spirit. I had made a vow to the Lord without praying into it very much and seeking wise counsel, and let me tell you, the results were a little heavy. But the Lord is good, and He walked me right through it with the help of my Christ-centered mother, Diana Taylor!


Yesterday, at breakfast, she spoke the truth in love and backed it up with the Word of God and personal experiences. It was so freeing and started me down a journey to uncovering some hidden sins in my life and allowing the Lord to lead me through them! I say this to encourage each of you to be a Jonathan to someone today. You don’t need to have all the answers or know all the Scripture. Simply be real and ask the Lord to lead the conversation and do one of the things that He does best, which redeem, reconcile and rejuvenate our spirits through His loving Presence!


Thank you, Mom, for your constant faith in our Lord and Savior Jesus Christ and for always showing me that’s it’s not perfection; it’s relationship!!!!


Be a Jonathan, Be open, Be humble, and most importantly, be surrendered to Christ!!!


I love you all, God bless, and Glory to God, Jesus, and the Holy Spirit forever and ever. Amen!!!!




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