Thursday, July 22, 2021

2 Samuel 19:28 Devotion by Stephen Taylor

2 Samuel 19:28

“All my grandfather's descendants deserved nothing but death from my lord the king, but you gave your servant a place among those who eat at your table. So, what right do I have to make any more appeals to the king?"


I absolutely love this verse, and today, it just spoke to me about how Jesus has done the same thing for those of us who call Him Lord and Savior! This statement was made by Mephibosheth, crippled grandson of king Saul. Most of the time when a new king comes to power, it's customary for the old king's line to be wiped out and destroyed. They didn’t want someone to come back later and try to revolt and retake the throne, so they would usually wipe them out, but not David! This act by David to his “enemy’s” grandson is just a little taste of what was to come to the whole world through Jesus Christ!!!


Like Mephibosheth, we were crippled enemies of God until Christ came and poured out His blood to cover our sins and invite us to His Father's table!!! We have no right to be there except for the fact that we are His! It’s nothing we have done or could have done, but the merciful, loving heart of our God displayed on a criminals Cross and an empty tomb! We deserved death, but He gave us a seat of honor at the dinner feast of the Lamb, we deserve eternal separation, but He gave us eternal acceptance, we deserve shame and guilt, but He gave us love and freedom!!! I could go on for hours about this, but my point is made!


Jesus Christ called us friends when we were enemies and poured out His beauty for our ashes! So, let’s be humble and thankful today for our seat at His table and Who He is, and how much He loves us!!!! Thank You, King Jesus!!!! My King, My Savior, My Friend!


I love you all. God bless, and Glory, Honor, and Praise forever to God Almighty, The Prince of Peace, and our Comforter The Holy Spirit!




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