Sunday, July 18, 2021

Leviticus 5:17 Devotion by Stephen Taylor

Leviticus 5:17

“If anyone sins and does what is forbidden in any of the LORD's commands, even though they do not know it, they are guilty and will be held responsible.”


Ignorance is not justification or a free pass to do what we want. We are accountable for each and everything we do, and just because we may not know that it is sin doesn’t stop it from being sin or stop us from being accountable for it!


One of the ways we can fight not knowing is to spend more time in the Word. I have learned a lot from the people the Lord has put in my life to mentor and teach me, but none as much as the Holy Spirit. I have learned more in my daily Bible reading and prayer than I have anywhere else, and it’s not me; it’s all Him! He will bring wisdom, revelation, encouragement, conviction, and true repentance if you just spend the time with Him! The Bible tells us if you don’t know, then ask! I can tell you from first-hand experience that it works! I have asked God a lot of things, and although He doesn’t owe me any answers, He still gives them to me!


I encourage you to spend time with Him each and every day and ask Him to teach you about Him, about His Word, and about yourself! I promise you, it won’t leave you empty or confused but rather more full of Life than you have ever been before!!!


So, if ignorance doesn’t take our sin away or give us an out, then what does? The answer is the perfect blood of Jesus! Even though we are covered by the Blood and forgiven because of Jesus, we are still called to live a certain way and to be accountable for our actions. We never know when our obedience will lead to someone’s deliverance. Let’s walk in our freedom today, but let’s walk in a way that is pleasing and honoring to the Lord!!!!


Be informed, Be honest, Be who God has called you to be, and let’s let the love of Christ shine through us today!!!


I love you all, God bless, and Glory to God, Jesus, and the Holy Spirit!




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