Leviticus 3:16
The priest shall burn them on the altar as a food offering, a pleasing aroma. All the fat is the LORD’s.
The fat portions of the animal were considered the best portions and were received by the LORD favorably. Now we don’t sacrifice animals anymore, as Jesus was the Ultimate Sacrifice, but this principle still applies to us today in other ways. The Israelites would bring this offering out of love and give their best to the Lord, and so should we. We don’t bring Him animals, but what we do bring Him is our hearts, our lives, and our wills and lay them all down on His altar and let His fire fall upon them. That, my friends, is a pleasing aroma to the LORD!
One of the beautiful things about the LORD’s fire is it refines what is of Him but burns up what isn’t! Bringing our best to the LORD from a willing, obedient, loving heart is a pleasing aroma to Him! This does not require us to be rich or of high stature but humble and willing to give the LORD all we hold dear. Obedience is a love language we have to speak to our God. He desires and deserves nothing less than all of us. He did not withhold His Son, so how can we withhold ourselves or hold onto our sins? We must lay ourselves upon the altar of mercy and grace in reverence, obedience, love, and with faith that says, “Here I am Lord, I’m all yours!”
Matthew 6:24- “No one can serve two masters; for either he will hate the one and love the other, or else he will be loyal to the one and despise the other. You cannot serve God and mammon.
Exodus 40:16- Moses did everything just as the LORD commanded him.
God bless! I love you all, but His love saves souls! Glory, honor, and praise now and forever to Papa God, Jesus Christ our King, and the Holy Spirit!
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