1 Kings 3:3
Solomon showed his love for the LORD by walking according to the instructions given him by his father David, except that he offered sacrifices and burned incense on the high places.
Obedience to God’s truth is a love language He can hear loud and clear! In our human nature, we look for that huge a-ha moment or great act of faith to show our love for God, to prove to Him and to others that we love Him. But in all reality, it’s the obedience in both the big and the small things that matters most and speaks the loudest.
I have a question for you: if it doesn’t matter how we live or what we do, then why would God gives us extensive and specific instructions on the matter? The answer to that question, of course, is that it does matter how we live and who we live for! We are not to live for ourselves anymore but to live in, live by, and live for the One who paid our price and set us free!
It’s also encouraging to me that it wasn’t Solomon’s perfection in his obedience that said “I love You” to God, but it was his willingness and desire to live according to God’s instruction. The Bible clearly tells us that he did it well except for one thing, which tells me that it was more about his heart towards the Lord than it was about him getting it completely right all the time! Let me tell you, for someone that misses the mark often, that is an encouraging truth!
So, where are we today? Do we desire to follow God wholeheartedly or conveniently? Solomon didn’t get it right all the time, and neither will we, but his heart was set upon the Lord, and his actions proved it!
John 14:15- “If you love me, obey my commandments.”
1 Samuel 15:22- But Samuel replied: “Does the LORD delight in burnt offerings and sacrifices as much as in obeying the LORD? To obey is better than sacrifice, and to heed is better than the fat of rams.”
God bless! I love you all, but His love proved perfect that day He carried our sins and His cross! Glory, honor, and praise now and forever to Papa God, Jesus Christ our King, and the Holy Spirit!
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