Sunday, October 23, 2022

Isaiah 66 Devotions by Stephen Taylor

Isaiah 66:12,13

For this is what the LORD says: "I will extend peace to her like a river, and the wealth of nations like a flooding stream; you will nurse and be carried on her arm and dandled on her knees. As a mother comforts her child, so will I comfort you; and you will be comforted over Jerusalem."

Praise God! What a beautiful example of the intentional and intimate relationship our God desires to have with us! Our God, the Comforter of nations, the Healer of lands, the Provider of all things. God desires to know us more and more. Who am I that the God of all creation should care to know my name or desire to call me His own? I am but an unworthy beggar at the feet of the mighty and merciful King of Glory. He is so kind to me, knowing my weaknesses and faults, yet patiently walking with me through them as He grows me for His glory. He is so bold in His love for me. He is not ashamed to call me His own, for He paid the highest price for you and me!

I love how our God uses very real and palatable examples to drive home His truth. Most, if not all of us, have seen or experienced a mother's love, and so He helps us make that connection to Him. To know that God desires to love you more than He desires to punish you brings freedom, hope, strength, and joy. Think about it; if we think God is just waiting to punish us around every corner, we're not gonna come running to Him the way we should but instead run and hide. A perfect example of this was in the garden when Adam and Eve hid from God after their sin. They had fallen and were ashamed, and yet God called them by name, clothed them, and sent them out with a promise of the coming Christ!

The heart of our God is beautiful beyond words and much more than we deserve! So today, rest in the fact that He knows it all and still wants you all to Himself!

Matthew 9:12,13- When Jesus heard this, He said, "Healthy people don't need a doctor—sick people do." Then He added, "Now go and learn the meaning of this Scripture: 'I want you to show mercy, not offer sacrifices.' For I have come to call not those who think they are righteous, but those who know they are sinners."

Luke 6:36- "Be merciful, just as your Father is merciful."

God bless! I love you all, but His love should leave us speechless and overwhelmed with thanksgiving! Praise, glory, and honor now and forever to Papa God, Jesus Christ our King, and the Holy Spirit!




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