Tuesday, March 9, 2021

Children’s Sermon on Romans 3:1-20 – Turning Our Attention away from Hypocrites and toward God

Children’s Sermon on Romans 3:1-20 – Turning Our Attention away from Hypocrites and toward God

Use this children’s sermon on Romans 3 to teach children to focus on God, not on other people.


Scripture: Romans 3


Needed: an image of the Mona Lisa by Leonardo da Vinci and an image of the Mona Lisa drawn by a child (both included in the post)


Children’s Sermon: Show students your picture of the Mona Lisa.




Say, This is a very famous painting by Leonardo da Vinci. It’s called the Mona Lisa. Everyone say, “Mona Lisa.”


Now that you’ve seen the Mona Lisa painting, what if I showed you this (show picture of the Mona Lisa by a child) and told you this was the Mona Lisa – would you believe me?




You would instantly know this was not the real Mona Lisa, right?


So, let’s see how looking at the real thing vs. a fake relates to the Bible. Did you know that some people say they’re Christians, but they’re really not? They say they believe in God, but then they do the wrong things God tells us not to do. Sometimes, they even hurt people. They’re fake Christians.


But this is what the Apostle Paul says in his letter to the Roman church:


(Read Romans 3:3-4, quoted here in the NIV.)


“What if some were unfaithful? Will their unfaithfulness nullify God’s faithfulness? Not at all! Let God be true, and every human being a liar.”


This tells us that even if people are not faithful to God, God is always faithful. We can’t always trust other people, but we can always trust God. God is the real deal we should be focusing on, not the fakes who say they believe in God but don’t show it by how they live.


Closing Prayer: Father God, help us to focus on You, not other people. Help us to see past fake Christians to the truth of Who You are. In Jesus’ name we pray. Amen.





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