Showing posts with label drama. Show all posts
Showing posts with label drama. Show all posts

Friday, January 5, 2018

"Palm Sunday Perspectives" - Church Drama Skit

Jesus – Played by a man in his thirties
Widow of Nain – Played by a woman in her forties or older
Pharisee – Played by a man at least in his late twenties, but the older the better
Judas Iscariot – Played by a man in his twenties or thirties

(Jesus starts walking from the rear of the sanctuary toward the stage. He is accompanied by a couple of disciples, one of which is Judas Iscariot. A crowd of people is waiting on the stage to receive Him. The crowd is, for the most part, excited and rejoicing to see Him. They are waving palm branches and shouting “Hosanna!”, “Glory to God!”, “A King for the throne of David!” Among Jesus’ enthusiasts are the Widow of Nain and her son. Some, however, are not excited to see Jesus. There are a couple of Pharisees in the crowd, standing with their arms folded and giving each other cynical looks.)

(When Jesus is a third of the way to the stage, everyone freezes. The Widow and her son step forward.)

Widow: (excited, “rural”) Oh how great it is to see Jesus again! I remember the first time I met Him. It was right outside our hometown of Nain. My son, my only son, my love was being carried out on a stretcher. Dead. There I was, on my son’s funeral march, crying my eyes out, when He, Jesus, comes up to me and tells me not to cry. Can you imagine? Someone you don’t even know coming up and telling you not to cry on a day like that? Well, then, He went up and just laid His hand on my son’s body. He said, (imitating Jesus) “Young man, I say to you, get up!” All of a sudden, my son, who was dead, was alive again. He just sat right up and started talking! He was just as fine as if nothing had ever happened! Right as rain! You know, some people say He’s the Messiah, the Christ, and I don’t doubt it. He’s sure got my vote. He took my worst day and turned it into my best. I can’t imagine anyone being able to give a person more hope than Jesus can. And I’ve heard all kinds of stories like that about Him. Like this one time, this woman who couldn’t stop bleeding just went up and touched His clothes and that was enough to heal her! And then, once, when a whole bunch of us had gone out to hear Him talk, we got real hungry, but we didn’t want to leave because we were just enjoying Him talk so much. People started asking if anyone had any food, but no one did except this little boy. Jesus’ disciples brought the boy to Him and Jesus told His disciples to pass out the boy’s food. I don’t know how Jesus fed so many people with just five loaves of bread and two fish, but He did! And I’ll tell you it was the best tasting supper I’ve ever had! And to hear Him talk! He’s so gentle, so compassionate toward us poor folks, but authoritative too. You can tell it’s God’s honest truth that He’s preaching. If He’s not the Messiah, then I don’t know who is! And I can’t imagine anyone else being able to do more miracles than He has either. (A note of doubt enters her voice now.) But…the Pharisees don’t seem to believe in Him. It’s pretty clear that they don’t think He’s the Christ. And if anyone would know, it would be them…wouldn’t it?

(Jesus and the crowd resume action. When Jesus is two-thirds to the stage, everyone freezes again. The Pharisee steps forward.)

Pharisee: (frustrated, pious, arrogant, yet unsure of himself, trying to justify himself) Oh look at these people, this uneducated mass! Why do they insist on drooling over people like this? All this Jesus fellow is is a..a…a blasphemer! If these people really want to know when the Messiah has come, all they have to do is wait until I tell them. I pour over the Law of Moses, the Psalms, and the Prophets. I know what the Scriptures teach. I follow it - to the letter. I even know how to fill in the gaps, the details that Moses did not give us. In short, I know that when the Messiah comes, He’ll throw off the Roman yoke from our shoulders and elevate all those who have obeyed Moses’ commands, like myself. But, until then, I’d rather not have this Jesus character stirring up trouble. As a member of the ruling body of the Jewish nation, the Sanhedrin, I know what it takes to keep the Romans happy. It’s a very delicate situation that we’re in. Every time some new radical gets it into his head to make a name for himself, the Romans are right there, breathing down our necks, my neck, wanting to know why we can’t control our own people. They ask ever so politely if they need to “step in and help us”. No, believe me, madmen, whether they be by the name of Theudas, or Judas, or Barrabas, or Jesus, claiming to be the King of the Jews, are of no help to me. I’m perfectly content to quietly govern and wait. And besides, this Jesus, whom they call Rabbi, though He’s never even had any formal tutoring, is distracting the people from my teaching, Moses’ teaching, I mean. In fact, well, it would probably be best for all if He, well, just somehow disappeared. It’s not like we haven’t had to arrange certain matters before. That’s what being a member of the Sanhedrin is all about it; making decisions and doing what needs to be done. He’s disturbing the peace. He’s leading the people astray….And He’s blaspheming! Calling Himself the Son of God no less! Moses demands that He be put to death for such a crime.

(Action resumes until Jesus and His disciples reach center stage. They turn to face the congregation and then freeze. Judas steps forward.)

Judas: (very cynical, irate) Look at this crowd! Going crazy over Jesus, the “Messiah”. They just don’t get it, do they? He’s not the Messiah! He let everyone believe that He was! He let me believe that He was! But He’s not! He obviously has no intention whatsoever of filling that role! Let me ask you a question. Are the Romans still here? Is a foreign, heathen nation still occupying Yahweh’s Holy City, Zion, Jerusalem? Yeah. It looks like the Romans are still here. It’s all a matter of connecting premise A to conclusion B. The Kingdom has not been restored to Israel. Therefore the Messiah has not yet come. Connect the dots, folks. It’s easy. What am I talking to you for? I can tell by the looks on your faces that you’re not going to listen to reason. Well, as for me, I’ve already wasted three years of my life following this Jesus guy around and I don’t intend to do it for much longer. I should have stuck with Barabbas. He never claimed to be the Messiah, but at least he was serious about doing something. At least he was willing to fight the Romans. Oh, I know Jesus talked about the kingdom. But do you know what He said about it? He said, “People will not say, ‘Here it is’ or ‘There it is’, because the kingdom of God is within you.” It is “within you”? I mean what kind of cop out is that? Is that the promise that God made to Abraham? Did Yahweh say, “Abraham, I will give you this vast land of Canaan within you”? No. Did the Lord say to David, “You will never fail to have a man on your throne within you”? No! I think you get my point. But do you know what really opened my eyes? Do you know what really woke me up to the fact that Jesus can’t be the Messiah? I’ll tell you. He’s been predicting His own death lately. He’s been saying that He needs to come to Jerusalem to be beaten, to be mocked, and to die. Well, that doesn’t sound like a Messiah to me. And do you know what I’m thinking? I’m thinking that if He wants to die, let Him. In fact, maybe I can help Him out a little bit. I’ll help Him die if He wants and He can help me make some money. That’s the least that He could for me considering all the time I’ve wasted on Him. Yeah, I bet those Pharisees would give anything to get their hands on Jesus. They’re just too scared to do it in public. They probably think that the people would riot or something. But if I got them to pay me in exchange for arranging a quiet little meeting between themselves and Jesus…

(Action resumes as crowd and characters exit.)

"Forgiven to Forgive" - Church Drama Skit

(Based on the Parable of the Unmerciful Servant - Matthew 18:21-35)

Characters: Pastor/Narrator, King, Servant 1, Servant 2, Servant 3

(Props: chair for throne, scroll, crown for King, Biblical era costumes for Servants 1 and 3)

Pastor/Narrator: Then Peter came to Jesus and asked, "Lord, how many times shall I forgive my brother when he sins against me? Up to seven times?" Jesus answered, "I tell you, not seven times, but seventy-seven times. "Therefore, the kingdom of heaven is like a king who wanted to settle accounts with his servants.

King (sitting on a throne, scroll in hand): Bring all of the servants to me. It is time to settle the debts once and for all.

(Servant 1 and Servant 2 enter somberly and stand before and on either side of the King, seemingly oblivious to one another)

King (to Servant 1): It says here that you owe me millions of dollars. (to Servant 2) You have sinned against me millions of times. (to both) Can you repay your debt at this time?

Servant 1 and 2 in unison: I cannot.

King (to Servant 1): You realize, then, that I will have to sell you and your family and everything that you have to repay your debt? (to Servant 2) You realize that the punishment for your sin is Hell?

Servant 1 and 2 in unison: Yes.

Servant 1 (falling on their knees): But I beg you, my King, be patient with me and I will pay you back! I will work for you my whole life!

Servant 2 (falling on their knees): I beg you, Father! I believed in You! I lived my whole life for you! I pray that You would remember that Christ died for me and has already paid my debt!

King (to Servant 1): I will have mercy on you. Your debt is canceled. You may go. (to Servant 2) My Son, Jesus, did indeed die for you. But how much you believed in Me and how well you lived your life for Me is yet to be seen.

Servant 1 (getting up and walking away as Servant 3 enters): Hey! You better have my money! I lent you five bucks the other day and I want it back!

Servant 3: Oh. No, I don’t have it yet.

Servant 1 (choking Servant 3): Pay back what you owe me!

Servant 3 (falling on their knees): Please! Be patient with me and I will pay you back!

Servant 1: No! I’m turning you in! You should have paid me when you had the chance!

King (to Servant 2): When someone did something that hurt you or said something that hurt you, did you forgive them? Or did you just want to take revenge and hurt them back? Were you a forgiving person or did you hold grudges against others?

Servant 2: I… Forgiving is hard.

King (standing up, angry, to Servant 1): You! Come here! (Servant 1 comes back and kneels before the King) You wicked servant! I canceled all that debt of yours because you begged me to. Shouldn't you have had mercy on your fellow servant just as I had on you? (to Servant 2) Yes, forgiving is hard. But my Son, Jesus, died for you to forgive you for all of your sins. If you had truly believed in Me, if you had truly understood what it meant to live for Me, you would have taken that as an example. You would have been grateful and would have forgiven others when they sinned against you, just as you had been forgiven…(motioning to both Servants 1 and 2) Take them away.

"Narrow/Wide" - Church Drama Skit (Conversion)

(A man, wearing a dark suit, stands alone at center stage with his arms folded across his chest. His legs are together, his eyes closed. His expression is straight and blank. He looks very peaceful, like he would if he were lying in a coffin except he’s standing. He is completely still. His voice plays through the sound system.)

Voice: (confused) Where am I?…Did I…? No, wait a minute. I know where I am. I…uh…think I’m dead. I don’t why I think that. I’ve just got that feeling, a strong feeling. I can’t shake it. You know what I’m talking about. The feeling you get when you know something, but have no idea how you know it. Yeah, that feeling…You know, I can’t even begin to think of how it happened. The last thing I remember I was in bed, waiting to go to sleep. Hey! Maybe I died in my sleep! Not a bad way to go, I guess. Painless. I’m glad of that. Didn’t know it was coming. I’m glad of that, too. I didn’t have to worry about it, right?

Anyway, I’m in this place, not sure where exactly. I’ll try to describe it for you, but I’m not sure that I’ll be able to do that great of a job. First, my body does feel a little weird. I can’t move anything and I can’t tell if I’m lying down on my back or standing straight up. To tell you the truth, I feel kind of weightless. I’m having trouble breathing too. I’d open my eyes and tell you what I see, but I can’t. Like I said, I can’t move anything. But I know that if I could open my eyes, the light would blind me. It’s so bright here, it hurts even with my eyes shut. And there’s this music, this beautiful music, the best acapella singing I’ve ever heard. But it sounds muffled, like it’s a long way off or like I’ve got cotton stuffed in my ears or something. Look, I know it’s not the best description, but you’ll just have to trust me when I tell you that this does seem like a pretty nice place. It’s warm here too, by the way. I forgot to tell you that, but I’m sure you’d agree that a good climate is an important part of where you’re going to spend the next…well, where you’re going to spend eternity!…(melancholy, thoughtful) I said that and now I’m thinking about death again. I’ll admit that I’m getting a little nervous. I’ve never been dead before. I don’t know what to expect, but, I mean, can this really be death? I admit it’s more than I ever thought it would be. I always thought that when you died, that was it. No more consciousness, no more nothing. You were just gone. But is this really all there is? Do I just stand here or lie here or whatever I’m doing and think? (laughs) That would get boring after a while, huh? (laughs again, then resumes his thoughtful attitude) No, I can’t believe it. There’s got to be something else.

A few seconds later and my questions are answered. I feel these hands swiftly cover and then uncover my ears. I can hear a lot better now. (getting excited, hopeful) I wonder if I am dead! Maybe this is a doctor touching me! Maybe I’m still alive after all!…(calms down again, sighs) But somehow I know that isn’t true. I can hear the quiet movements of the person touching me, the sound of their steps and their slow breathing. Am I breathing that slowly? (laughs) Am I breathing at all? (sighs) So many questions. It’s unfortunate, but now that I can hear, the music seems to have stopped. A hand gently squeezes my shoulder. (Man falls backward and then regains his balance. He still does not open his eyes, but he can move everything else. The Voice-over stops and the man speaks for himself.)

Man: (confused, excited) I can move now! This is really confusing! Then the person lightly brushes my eyes. I blink them rapidly for a couple of seconds, still unable to bear the light, before I hear, "Open them," in a very non-engendered, very sweet voice from my toucher. I'm able to open my eyes now without the light bothering me.

I look at my toucher. (scared) His head is divided into fourths; a human face in front, a lion's face and a bull's face on either side, an eagle's face on the back of his head. I think for a second that it's some kind of mask, but no, it's too real. Whatever this thing is, those are it's real faces. It has six wings (motions to illustrate), three sets, with eyes completely covering the wings. It has human arms and hands and human legs, but it has hooves instead of feet. I know it sounds scary or grotesque, but it's actually quite beautiful.

And then, I suddenly understand what I’m looking at. That, the thing that woke me up, is an angel! Which can only mean one thing. I have died. I've died and gone to Heaven and that's an angel. You'd think I'd be happy to realize this, but I'm not. Because I think I know what happens next. If I've died and this is Heaven, I must be waiting…to be judged…by God. And I'm afraid. Plain and simple. I'm more afraid than I've ever been in my life. I was never a religious person. All I know about God is what the media and American pop culture have portrayed Him as. And it's not like there was ever any uniformity among the fairly conflicting views circulating there! (honest, confessionary) But as I think about what I've just said, it seems that I should know more about God than only what others have told me. My mom used to take me to church before she died. (a shocking thought occurs) And then it hits me! (angry) If God is so grand, if He knows so much and is as powerful as everyone says, then why couldn’t He have made me realize all this sooner? Why couldn’t He have revealed Himself to me, given me some clue to help me understand Him? I’ve never been dead before, you know! Maybe if He had told me that this is what things, life and death and what you do and all that, were really all about…But now it comes down to this! Everything’s about to be decided and now I have no way to prepare and no way to affect the outcome! Maybe if I had had some more time. I’m not ready! Give me some more time!…(sighs, calming down, very melancholy) But I have no more time and no, it’s not God’s fault. Like I said, I used to go to church. This kind of reminds me of when I was in college. You get some people, maybe yourself included a couple of times, who show up to class and the prof’s handing out a test. They get this sick, panicky look going on and you know they haven’t studied. In fact, you’re sure that they didn’t even know there was going to be a test that particular day and now they’re going to fail the entire course. Only if they had shown up to class once in a while or even looked at their syllabus, they probably would have been okay. I guess I haven’t checked my syllabus in a while. I kept telling you that I’ve never been dead before. That was a lie. I understand now that I’ve been dead my entire life. It’s just now catching up with me.

(Completely calm, explanatory tone) I’ve accepted the facts and my fate the best I can for now. I’m ready to move on. I look at my angel, my guide, I guess, and nod. (nods) He smiles, perhaps a sad smile?, (starts walking across stage, miming holding the angel’s hand) and begins walking toward the double-doors of a great palace. When I started talking to you, I had been standing outside the gate of a grand courtyard. Many, many people, too many to name, are playing in the courtyard - running, jumping, smiling, people of all different ages enjoying themselves like children. And many more, much more than were inside the courtyard, are standing around the outside of the gate, in a seemingly comatose state, as I had been only a few moments ago when my discourse began. As I'm wondering about all this, my guide whispers to me through his bull's mouth, "You must become like a little child if you want to enter the Kingdom of Heaven." I want to stop and think about what he said, but someone's walking in ahead of me, a middle-aged looking woman, guided by another angel. The double-doors are swung wide open to receive her and the music starts again. (stops walking, raises his hands as if in a state of worship) Oh, how beautiful! My heart is broken, overflowing with incredible joy at the sound of it. The doors shut. (lowers hands) I can’t hear the music anymore. (starts walking again.)

Two or three minutes later, and I approach the double-doors. My angel opens one of them and gestures me in. (mimes opening the door and gestures as the angel would have) There is complete silence coming from inside. I'm suddenly nervous again. I guess I don’t get any music. The angel looks at me with an uncomfortable, sympathetic expression on each of its faces and again gestures me in. I nod (nods) to him, as if to say, "Thank you" and "Goodbye," look forward (looks forward), and take a step. (begins walking, looking straight ahead)

As I walk forward through the room, my eyes become fixed directly in front of me, on the Figure on the Throne. He is like a man, dressed in a long purple robe tied with a golden sash. His face is white, illuminatingly bright. His hair is also white. His eyes are alive and red, like a fire. And His tongue is a sharp, double-edged sword. He’s holding seven stars in His right hand.

(Looks down) It seems like I only catch a glimpse of Him for a second. I can't look at His face any longer than that. I don't know if it's because of the incredible humility and shame that I've begun to feel or because He won't allow it. I feel weak. My legs are about to cave in and I'd be glad if I fainted. I know what He's about to say: (angry) "You sinner! You're damned to Hell!" (looks back down)

(Looks straight at the audience) But He doesn't say that at all. (follows the motions and voice inflections described) He simply looks away, brushes a tear from His eye, and, in a choked up voice, says, "You're not mine." (collapses to his knees)

(smacks the ground, angry, stands back up) The next instant I'm in Hell. The worst part is that I know I'm in Hell. I tasted Heaven. I saw God Himself! with all the angels around Him and people playing and laughing and singing for themselves and everyone else who made it into Heaven. I saw God in all His glory. And now look at me! I'm frustrated, I'm angry, I want to die, but I know I already have. There's no escape.

I thought I was a moral man. I lived the best I could! To think: I fell and never even knew it. I never even tried to get up. Now I'm alone and cold (I don't know where the fire's supposed to be, but I'm cold – very, very cold) with my thoughts in Hell. It's like I went to sleep and woke up here, somewhere in Satan's darkened theater. Oh, yes, he was the director and I was a simple actor, playing a very minor role, now to be typecast forever!

(peering off in the distance) And then I see the devil, that twisted soul himself, across the way. He looks at me and I hear him say, (in a mocking voice) "Didn't anyone tell you that you'd have to pay? It was a sure way to die. You shouldn't have gone that way. When it came down to the Narrow/Wide, you should have picked someone else to be your guide."

(Completely calm, sincere, addressing the audience) Narrow, the straight way. So few will find it and less will stay. Wide we've all started on, and on it, will continue to stray.

I never knew the choice I made, but now it's clear that it wasn't God’s. There's a fork in the road for all of us. Which way will you go? Will you serve Him? Or will you hear, “Didn't anyone tell you that you'd have to pay? It was a sure way to die. You shouldn't have gone that way”? Some will live and some will die. Don't you die with me...Don't you die with me.

(Starts, shakes his head) Then, I woke up from that nightmare dream. I realized, that, by myself, I could not clearly see. So, I prayed to God and asked if I could be redeemed. I knew I was dirty, but He said, "My son, you're clean."

"Narrow/Wide" - Church Drama Skit (Evangelism)

(A man, wearing a dark suit, stands alone at center stage with his arms folded across his chest. His legs are together, his eyes closed. His expression is straight and blank. He looks very peaceful, like he would if he were lying in a coffin except he’s standing. He is completely still. His voice plays through the sound system.)

Voice: (confused) Where am I?…Did I…? No, wait a minute. I know where I am. I…uh…think I’m dead. I don’t why I think that. I’ve just got that feeling, a strong feeling. I can’t shake it. You know what I’m talking about. The feeling you get when you know something, but have no idea how you know it. Yeah, that feeling…You know, I can’t even begin to think of how it happened. The last thing I remember I was in bed, waiting to go to sleep. Hey! Maybe I died in my sleep! Not a bad way to go, I guess. Painless. I’m glad of that. Didn’t know it was coming. I’m glad of that, too. I didn’t have to worry about it, right?

Anyway, I’m in this place, not sure where exactly. I’ll try to describe it for you, but I’m not sure that I’ll be able to do that great of a job. First, my body does feel a little weird. I can’t move anything and I can’t tell if I’m lying down on my back or standing straight up. To tell you the truth, I feel kind of weightless. I’m having trouble breathing too. I’d open my eyes and tell you what I see, but I can’t. Like I said, I can’t move anything. But I know that if I could open my eyes, the light would blind me. It’s so bright here, it hurts even with my eyes shut. And there’s this music, this beautiful music, the best acapella singing I’ve ever heard. But it sounds muffled, like it’s a long way off or like I’ve got cotton stuffed in my ears or something. Look, I know it’s not the best description, but you’ll just have to trust me when I tell you that this does seem like a pretty nice place. It’s warm here too, by the way. I forgot to tell you that, but I’m sure you’d agree that a good climate is an important part of where you’re going to spend the next…well, where you’re going to spend eternity!…(melancholy, thoughtful) I said that and now I’m thinking about death again. I’ll admit that I’m getting a little nervous. I’ve never been dead before. I don’t know what to expect, but, I mean, can this really be death? I admit it’s more than I ever thought it would be. I always thought that when you died, that was it. No more consciousness, no more nothing. You were just gone. But is this really all there is? Do I just stand here or lie here or whatever I’m doing and think? (laughs) That would get boring after a while, huh? (laughs again, then resumes his thoughtful attitude) No, I can’t believe it. There’s got to be something else.

A few seconds later, and my questions are answered. I feel these hands swiftly cover and then uncover my ears. I can hear a lot better now. (getting excited, hopeful) I wonder if I am dead! Maybe this is a doctor touching me! Maybe I’m still alive after all!…(calms down again, sighs) But somehow I know that isn’t true. I can hear the quiet movements of the person touching me, the sound of their steps and their slow breathing. Am I breathing that slowly? (laughs) Am I breathing at all? (sighs) So many questions. It’s unfortunate, but now that I can hear, the music seems to have stopped. A hand gently squeezes my shoulder. (Man falls backward and then regains his balance. He still does not open his eyes, but he can move everything else. The Voice-over stops and the man speaks for himself.)

Man: (confused, excited) I can move now! This is really confusing! Then the person lightly brushes my eyes. I blink them rapidly for a couple of seconds, still unable to bare the light, before I hear, "Open them," in a very non-engendered, very sweet voice from my toucher. I'm able to open my eyes now without the light bothering me.

I look at my toucher. (scared) His head is divided into fourths; a human face in front, a lion's face and a bull's face on either side, an eagle's face on the back of his head. I think for a second that it's some kind of mask, but no, it's too real. Whatever this thing is, those are its real faces. It has six wings (motions to illustrate), three sets, with eyes completely covering the wings. It has human arms and hands and human legs, but it has hooves instead of feet. I know it sounds scary or grotesque, but it's actually quite beautiful.

And then, I suddenly understand what I’m looking at. That, the thing that woke me up, is an angel! Which can only mean one thing. I have died. I've died and gone to Heaven and that's an angel. You'd think I'd be happy to realize this, but I'm not. Because I think I know what happens next. If I've died and this is Heaven, I must be waiting…to be judged…by God. And I'm afraid. Plain and simple. I'm more afraid than I've ever been in my life. I was never a religious person. (cynical) All I know about God is what the media and American pop culture have portrayed Him as. He's a fairy tale or a jerk with a bunch of rules or a harmless, lovey-dovey idea. And His followers? What a bunch of hypocrites! Yeah, I went to church when I was little. I went with a friend. It was too boring so I stopped going. But you know what I found out about the old man that ran the place, the pastor? I found out a few years later that he got kicked out because he was having an affair with one of the women in the church.

What? Oh. My angel is motioning to me that it's time to go. He takes my hand in its hand and we begin walking toward the double doors of a great palace. When I started talking to you, I had been standing outside the gate of a grand courtyard. Many, many people, too many to name, are playing in the courtyard - running, jumping, smiling, people of all different ages enjoying themselves like children. And many more, much more than were inside the courtyard, are standing around the outside of the gate, in a seemingly comatose state, as I had been only a few moments ago. As I'm wondering about all this, my guide whispers to me through its bull's mouth, "You must become like a little child if you want to enter the Kingdom of Heaven." I want to stop and think about that, but someone's walking in ahead of me, a middle-aged looking woman, guided by another angel. The double-doors are swung wide open to receive her and the music starts again. (stops walking, raises his hands as if in a state of worship) Oh, how beautiful! My heart is broken, overflowing with incredible joy at the sound of it. The doors shut. (lowers hands) I can’t hear the music anymore. (starts walking again.)

Two or three minutes later and I approach the double-doors. My angel opens one of them and gestures me in. (mimes opening the door and gestures as the angel would have) There is complete silence coming from inside. I guess I don’t get any music. This kind of reminds me of when I was in college. You get some people, maybe yourself included a couple of times, who show up to class and the prof’s handing out a test. They get this sick, panicky look going on and you know they haven’t studied. In fact, you’re sure that they didn’t even know there was going to be a test that particular day and now they’re going to fail the entire course. Only if they had shown up to class once in a while or even looked at their syllabus, they probably would have been okay. I guess I haven’t checked my syllabus in a while. You know how I said that I’ve never been dead before? That was a lie. I understand now that I’ve been dead my entire life. It’s just now catching up with me.

Well, my angel's standing there holding the door open. It looks at me with an uncomfortable, sympathetic expression on each of its faces and again gestures me in. I nod (nods) to him, as if to say, "Thank you" and "Goodbye," look forward (looks forward), and take a step. (begins walking, looking straight ahead)

As I walk forward through the room, my eyes become fixed directly in front of me, on the Figure on the Throne. He is like a man, dressed in a long purple robe tied with a golden sash. His face is white, illuminatingly bright. His hair is also white. His eyes are alive and red, like a fire. And His tongue is a sharp, double-edged sword. He’s holding seven stars in His right hand.

(Looks down) It seems like I only catch a glimpse of Him for a second. I can't look at His face any longer than that. I don't know if it's because of the incredible humility and shame that I've begun to feel or because He won't allow it. I feel weak. My legs are about to cave in and I'd be glad if I fainted. I know what He's about to say: (angry) "You sinner! You're damned to Hell!" (looks back down)

(looks straight at the audience) But He doesn't say that at all. (follows the motions and voice inflections described) He simply looks away, brushes a tear from His eye, and, in a choked up voice, says, "You're not mine." (collapses to his knees)

(smacks the ground, angry, stands back up) The next instant I'm in Hell. The worst part is that I know I'm in Hell. I tasted Heaven. I saw God Himself! with all the angels around Him and people playing and laughing and singing for themselves and everyone else who made it into Heaven. I saw God in all His glory. And now look at me! I'm frustrated, I'm angry, I want to die, but I know I already have. There's no escape.

I thought I was a decent guy. I lived the best I could! To think: I fell and never even knew it. I never even tried to get up. Maybe if I had had more time! I wasn't ready! And then I start thinking. If God is so grand, if He knows so much and is as powerful as everyone says, then why couldn’t He have made me realize that all this would? Why couldn’t He have revealed Himself to me, given me some clue to help me understand Him? Maybe if He had just told me…(glares at audience) Wait a minute. You! You knew, didn't you? You knew this would happen. Why didn't you tell me? Oh, God, if someone had just sat me down and told me, explained it to me maybe, I don't know, maybe things would be different for me now (covers face with hands and freezes for a few moments, then exits).

"All I had to do was Ask" - Church Drama Skit

Characters: Jesus, Philosophizer, Decent, Christian

(Jesus is standing at the pulpit. Philosophizer enters from the back of the congregation. He is unsure of himself. He is holding a map and looking around confusedly. He makes his way up to Jesus, but doesn’t notice Him.)

Jesus (sad, but straight): (sighs) Hello.

Philosophizer: Ah. Hello, sir. I’m wondering if You could help me. I’m a little confused. I seem to have lost my way.

Jesus: I know. I’m sorry.

Philosophizer: What’s that, sir?

Jesus: I said I know you’re confused. I know you’re lost. And I can’t express to you how sorry I am, how deeply it pains Me. I could have helped you if you had asked Me earlier, but now it’s too late.

Philosophizer: Sir, I ‘m afraid I don’t follow You.

Jesus: Yes, I know. I’m more aware of that fact than you are.

Philosophizer: Maybe if You could just tell me where it is that I am, I’ll be able to find my own way.

Jesus: And that was always your problem. You always thought that you could find your own way, do it yourself. You never realized how impossible that actually was. You never realized that you needed Me to guide you.

Philosophizer (losing composure, getting angry): Ok. I’ve had my fill –

Jesus: In answer to your question, you’re at the gate of Heaven. You’re being judged for the life you led on earth.

Philosophizer: I’m sorry, sir, but I don’t believe in Heaven or judgment or –

Jesus: Or Me?

Philosophizer (in frustration): Oh, Jesus Christ!

Jesus: Yes.

Philosophizer: No, I don’t.

Jesus: By your words, you are condemned. You have made your choice.

Philosophizer (confused): My choice?

Jesus: Yes. You’ll find your way to the left.

Philosophizer (with regained composure): Thank you, sir. (exits to the left.)

(Decent enters from back of congregation. She is sweet and unassuming. She is in complete control of her situation.)

Decent: Hello! How are you?

Jesus: I Am that I Am.

Decent: Good! Good! (starts to walk away to the right.)

Jesus: Do you know where you are?

Decent: Why, I –

Jesus: You’re at the Judgment.

Decent (sinking emotionally): Oh. Already? I was…and I had to…well, I wasn’t quite done, you know. Do you suppose that I could go and come back later? Like in a few years?

Jesus: No.

Decent (grumbling): Oh. Well, I’m just not ready for this!

Jesus: You know, your time is not your own. Neither is your life. If you had given your time and life to Me, you would have been ready for this. And you would have been happy to be here.

Decent (angry): Well, let’s get on with it!

Jesus: You’re going to Hell.

Decent (incredulous): What!? I went to church every Sunday!

Jesus: I know. I was always amazed that you could go so often and still not learn anything. Besides, not everyone who calls me Lord will enter My Kingdom.

Decent: Well, that Pastor -

Jesus: Don’t blame the Pastor.

Decent: Well, I lived the best I knew how!

Jesus: It was never about you living the best you knew how. It was a matter of you giving your life to Me and letting Me help you live the best that I knew how.

(Decent hurumps and storms off stage to the left. Christian enters from back of congregation. Jesus’ face brightens. Christian is smiling. They address each other as friends.)

Jesus: Hey! Well done, my good and faithful servant, my friend.

Christian: Hi. So this is Heaven, huh?

Jesus: No, no. This is just the gate. C’mon up. I’ll walk you inside. I’ve got everything ready. I’ve been waiting for you.

(Christian walks on stage. Christian and Jesus hug.)

Christian: I just can’t believe that I’m finally here. I mean, looking back on my life, it’s been quite a ride. All that bad stuff I did, the person that I was. I used to think, when I would think about You at all, that You must have hated me and that You would never let me in here. But then I realized that You didn’t hate me. You loved me. You wanted to make into a whole new person with Your love. All I had to do was ask and You were right there, ready to come into my life forever.

Jesus: And I am so glad you did ask. I just wish more people would ask Me into their lives. (Jesus and Christian exit to the right.)

"Receiving the Master's Gift" - Church Drama Skit

Characters: Painter, Beloved, Silent Commenter

(Two “paintings” are laying one on top of the other on an easel in the middle of the stage)

Painter: (standing at easel, putting a final few brush strokes on a painting, steps back to admire painting) Ah! It’s finished! My finest creation! My masterpiece! Now to write my note to my beloved and leave it here for him (her) to find it. (Scribbles on a note and sticks it to the painting. Exits stage left.)

(Silent Commenter enters stage right, holding “What Not To Do” sign. Holds it up for audience to see and exits stage left)

Beloved: (enters stage right, sees painting, seems confused) What is this doing here? Hmm. there’s a note on it. (reading note) “To my beloved. I made this for you. I hope you like it. From, you know Who.” (gets confused look) I don’t know who. (tears up painting and exits stage left)

(Silent Commenter enters stage right, holding “What To Do” sign. Holds it up for audience to see and exits stage left)

Beloved: (enters stage right, sees painting, seems confused) What is this doing here? Hmm, there’s a note on it. (reading note) “To my beloved. I made this for you. I hope you like it. From, you know Who.” Oh, wow! Something this good could only have been made by Him! Thank You! I’ll treasure it forever! I’ll take good care of it and never let anything happen to it! Wow! Thank You! (takes painting and exits stage left)