Tuesday, February 9, 2021

Children’s Sermon on Psalm 5 – Teaching Children to Pray through the Scripture

Children’s Sermon on Psalm 5 – Teaching Children to Pray through the Scripture

Use this children’s sermon to introduce children to the idea of praying through a passage of the Bible.


Scripture: Psalm 5


Needed: a piece of paper and writing utensil to take notes


Children’s Sermon: Explain that you’re studying Psalm 5 today. The psalms are prayers are songs people wrote to God. David wrote the words to Psalm 5, but you want to put it in your own words, and you need the kids to help you write the prayer.


First, have them give you ideas of:


  • What they need help with
  • Good choices they can make
  • Bad choices they can make
  • The biggest number they can think of


When you’re finished writing these down, ask them to bow their heads as you read the prayer you wrote together.




Hi God, I need Your help with... (Kids’ ideas for help needed).

You are my King; that’s why I’m praying to You, and I trust You to answer my request.

You are angry when people do wrong.

But because You love me, I can talk to You whenever I want.

Help me to make good decisions, like… (Kids’ ideas for good choices)/

And not copy people who make bad decisions, like… (Kids’ ideas for bad choices).

Tell people who make bad choices all the time to leave us alone!

And protect the people who love and obey you.

We know you protect us like we’re surrounded with a (large number) shields! Amen.



(Special thanks to my wife Mindy for writing this children's sermon!)




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