1. Watch the following videos:
Why We Do Kid's Ministry
The Effective Sunday School Teacher
Action: Write a minimum 250-word plan for how you will prepare for your teaching sessions.
2. Read my article on children's ministry
and watch The Complete Annual Strategy for Kids Ministry
Action: Draft a weekly, monthly, and yearly plan for how to structure children's ministry in your setting.
3. Watch the following videos:
Sunday School Teaching Techniques
4 Tips to Be More Effective
How to Teach a Sunday School Lesson Using the Bible
Communicate with Visuals
Use Object Lessons
Incorporate Games
3 Ways to Teach
Intro Lesson for a New Class
Action: Using what you've learned from these videos, write a 1,000-word minimum lesson plan for an hour-long children's ministry session.
Action: Write a 250-word minimum children's sermon.
4. Take notes as you watch the following videos.
Getting Kids to Talk
Answering Questions
Taking Student Prayer Requests
You Can SING with Kids!
5. Watch Teaching Pre-School
Action: Write a minimum 250-word lesson plan for teaching pre-school children.
6. Watch Welcoming New Students
Action: Draft a 250-word minimum plan for welcoming new students into your ministry.
7. Watch the following videos:
The Strong-Willed Child
Working with At-Risk Youth
How to Teach Kids with Special Needs
Helping Kids in Crisis
Action: Draft a 500-word minimum plan for dealing with disruptive, non-responsive, special needs, and in-crisis children.
8. Watch Keeping Parents Involved
Action: Draft a 250-word minimum plan for gaining parents' support in your ministry.
9. Watch the following videos:
How to Recruit Volunteers
Asking for Behind-the-Scenes Help
Working with Other Teachers
Action: Draft a minimum 250-word plan for recruiting ministry partners and building your team's unity and effectiveness.
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