Children’s Sermon on King Herod and the Wise Men – Letting Jesus Be Our King
Use this children’s sermon on the Wise Men and King Herod to teach children to let Jesus rule their lives.
Scripture: Matthew 2:1-12
Needed: a picture of King Herod and the Wise Men (included below), optional – a crown
Children’s Sermon: Say, in our story today, the Wise Men
followed a star from their country all the way to Israel to look for Jesus
because they knew He had born to be the King. They came to Jerusalem and asked
King Herod where Jesus was. (Show your picture.)
But King Herod wasn’t happy that Jesus had been born to be the King. Why do you think King Herod was upset that Jesus was born to be the King?
If Jesus was supposed to grow up to be King, that would mean King Herod couldn’t be the king anymore. He would have to give up his place of being king to let Jesus be king!
But the Wise Men were happy Jesus had been born to be King. They even brought Him gifts and worshiped Him.
Do you think we should be like King Herod and not want Jesus to be King, or like the Wise Men and be happy Jesus has come to be King?
We should be like the Wise Men and be happy that Jesus is King. But sometimes, we’re like King Herod, and we don’t want Jesus to be King. We don’t want Jesus to rule us because we want to keep ruling ourselves. We want to be the king in our own lives and do what we want to do. (Put your crown on for a moment if you have it and explain more about how you can make your own decisions if you’re the king of your life.)
But Jesus is a better King over our lives than we are. He always knows the best and right thing to do. So, let’s be like the Wise Men and let Jesus be King over us.
Closing Prayer: Jesus, we thank You for being such a good King for us. Help us to remember that You are the Ruler of our lives, and we are not. We give You control because You are the only who always makes the right decisions, and You are the only one who deserves to be our King. Amen.
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