Sunday, October 23, 2022

How to Make Decisions as a Christian - based on the Fruit of the Spirit

How to Make Decisions as a Christian

I’ve been thinking about how Christians should make decisions in their lives. The Bible gives us lots of principles of wisdom to keep in mind, but it occurred to me that testing a decision by the Fruit of the Spirit is one of the best indicators we have. We can literally test a decision against the Spirit of God!

The fruit of the Spirit is love, joy, peace, patience, kindness, goodness, faithfulness, gentleness and self-control. (Galatians 5:22-23)

Love – Does this decision show love to God, to others, and to myself? Would anyone see it as unloving, and why?

Joy – Will this decision bring me lasting joy (not momentary happiness)?

Peace – Do I feel peace about this decision? Can I sense it’s the right thing to do, even if it’s hard?

Patience – Am I being patient in making this decision, or am I being impulsive and wanting instant gratification?

Kindness – Does this decision benefit anyone other than myself? How can I ensure that it does?

Goodness – Is this decision righteous? Is there any question about its morality based on what I read in the Scriptures?

Faithfulness – Does this decision allow and help me to keep my previous commitments to God and to others?

Gentleness – Am I making this decision in a way that will be as gentle on others and on myself as possible? Can I make it, speak it, enact it more gently?

Self-Control – Am I exhibiting self-control, or am I allowing my desires, emotions, or temptations to guide me in this decision?

If a decision passes the test of all the fruits of the Spirit, you can proceed with a clear conscience. If it’s questionable according to even one of the fruits, pause and reconsider your options.




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