Wednesday, May 18, 2022

Proverbs 15 Devotions by Stephen Taylor

Proverbs 15:3

The eyes of the LORD are everywhere, keeping watch on the wicked and the good.

Proverbs 15:11- Even Death and Destruction hold no secrets from the LORD. How much more does he know the human heart!

Verses like these either bring us comfort, or they bring us concern. To the disciple of Christ, these verses bring a great sense of comfort and confidence in Him, for He welcomes us even though He knows everything we have ever done. He has seen the filth and destruction we have caused and yet says, “Come to Me, and I will give you life in Me and rest for your souls!”

It’s also comforting to know that even when we feel all alone or like He isn’t watching, He is! That not one of our situations or circumstances is outside of His view or His control! That we may feel like we’re on an island all by ourselves, but the truth is we are firmly on the Rock and never alone!

Now on the flip side, these verses can be very concerning if you don’t belong to Christ. It tells us that nothing is hidden from His sight, and that means you are completely exposed. All the things you have done are still there before Him, and no number of excuses, rationalization, or blame-shifting can get you out of it.

But the best news is that the same One who sees it all is the same One who paid for it all! He paid for us before we deserved it or before we acknowledged Him as our Lord. He gave His life because He has seen it all and knew that He was the only Way!

So today, let us walk in humble and confident repentance and remember that He sees us! Even when no one is watching, the God of all creation never closes His eyes or misses a beat. There is One truth that will last forever, and that truth is our God! All that He is and all that are His will last for eternity! It is impossible to hide anything from the One who does not sleep, let alone blink! He is aware and available to us today!

Romans 5:6-9- When we were utterly helpless, Christ came at just the right time and died for us sinners. Now, most people would not be willing to die for an upright person, though someone might perhaps be willing to die for a person who is especially good. But God showed His great love for us by sending Christ to die for us while we were still sinners. And since we have been made right in God’s sight by the blood of Christ, He will certainly save us from God’s condemnation.

God bless! I love you all, but His love never closes its eyes! Glory, honor, and praise now and forever to Papa God, Jesus Christ our King, and the Holy Spirit!


Proverbs 15:3

The eyes of the LORD are everywhere, keeping watch on the wicked and the good.

I love Scripture, and this verse is both an encouragement and a warning! It encourages us to know that God sees us, that we aren’t walking through this life alone or outside of the gaze of our Creator. It’s encouraging to know that in those moments of deep loneliness or when we feel invisible, there is One who always sees us. The world may ignore us completely, but our God sees us continually!

So, be encouraged that God sees you! But also be aware; God sees you! He sees every hidden sin. Every willful act of disobedience, every thought, and every motive are laid bare before the one true King. He knows those thoughts you have about your neighbor's wife or the about that person that wronged you so long ago. He knows what we do in our secret places and how we respond to the truth. So, be aware that He is watching and know what pleases Him today!

How do we know what pleases Him? We read His Word and ask the Holy Spirit for help. Jesus, Himself calls the Holy Spirit the Helper/Advocate. He is sent to us to help us through this life in a way that honors God. He reveals the truths of God’s Word to us and shows us how to apply and walk it out. He is amazing, He is powerful, He is wisdom, and He is living inside of you if you belong to Christ! Help us, Holy Spirit, to walk in You so that we would not gratify the desires of the flesh but would instead honor God with the lives He paid for us to have!

So today, if you feel invisible, be encouraged that God sees you, and if you feel secure in your secret sin, be aware and warned that God sees you! Either way, His eyes are upon us; what will He see today?

John 14:26- But the Helper, the Holy Spirit, whom the Father will send in my name, He will teach you all things and bring to your remembrance all that I have said to you.

Galatians 5:16,17- So I say, walk by the Spirit, and you will not gratify the desires of the flesh. For the flesh desires what is contrary to the Spirit, and the Spirit what is contrary to the flesh. They are in conflict with each other, so that you are not to do whatever you want.

Galatians 5:25- Since we live by the Spirit, let us keep in step with the Spirit.

God bless! I love you all, but His love is watching you today! Praise, glory, and honor now and forever to Papa God, Jesus Christ our King, and the Holy Spirit!