Children's Sermon on The New Jerusalem - Revelation 21-22
Use this Revelation Sunday School lesson to teach children about our future.
Needed: (Optional - Images to go with the lesson. I like the one below.)
Lesson: Ask students, How many of you have ever known someone who died?
Who have you known that died?
Do you think we'll ever get to see those people again?
(Read or paraphrase Revelation 21:1-21.)
said that one day, we will all live with Him in the huge city of New
Jerusalem. He will live with us, and God will live with us, and everyone
who has ever died and believed in God will live there with us. And no
one will ever die again. No one will ever get hurt or sick again.
Nothing sad or bad will ever happen again. Because God and Jesus are
going to make things perfect in that city, forever.
pictures and describe what is happening in them. Jesus welcomes us in
to live with Him. Jesus shows us the city of New Jerusalem He's made for
Let's pray about that.
prayer: God, we thank You that one day we will get to live with you and
with everyone who has died in the new city that You're going to make for
us. We look forward to seeing You and to living with You where nothing
bad will ever happen again. In Jesus' name we pray. Amen.
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