Needed: A few large stones
Hold up a stone and ask, What's stronger, a stone or a person?
Stones are pretty strong. We can build things out of them and they can hold up entire buildings. (Stack a few stones on top of each other to make a mini tower.) But what happens if the stone breaks? (Knock one of the bottom stones out of the tower.)
The whole building falls down.
So stones maybe aren't that strong after all.
Do you know what the strongest thing in the world is? A person with God's Spirit living inside them.
Think about it. God was strong enough to make the whole world and do all kinds of miracles that we read about in the Bible. And that strong God is living inside of you. That makes you pretty strong, doesn't it?
It might not make you strong in your muscles, but it makes you strong in your spirit. It makes you strong enough to be brave when you're afraid of something and gives you the power to defeat any problem you have.
Because that big, powerful, strong God who made the universe is living in you.
Let's pray about that.
Sample prayer: Father God, You are so strong. We thank You for living inside of us and making us strong too. In Jesus' name we pray. Amen.
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