Christian Movies and TV Featuring Children and Families
The Chronicles of Narnia: The Lion, the Witch, and the Wardrobe (Movie, Bible Study)
The Chronicles of Narnia: Prince Caspian (Movie)
The Chronicles of Narnia: Voyage of the Dawn Treader (Movie)
Clancy (Movie) - What happens when a homeless veteran is paid to take care of a young girl? (Warning: this one's a bit of a tear-jerker.)
A Horse Called Bear (Movie) - A boy is orphaned but finds out his mom owned a horse. Three children are learning what it means to love your neighbor. What can God do with this situation?
The Lost Medallion (Movie) - A man tells a fantastical story to a group of foster kids, and something powerful happens in their lives as a result. In the story, a young man wants to help his father find a lost magical artifact, and then goes back in time to change history.
The Perfect Gift (Movie)
- Jesus (Jess) comes to town and helps Maxine understand what Christmas is really about.
Second Chances (Movie) - After her father dies, a little girl renews her interest in life when she meets a horse named Ginger. The Christian content is light in this movie, but you can pick up on it if you listen to the soundtrack. There's also a great scene of sacrificial love toward the end.
The Secrets of Jonathan Sperry (Movie) - Three adolescent boys start having Bible studies with an older man over the summer. What will they learn? This is a fantastic family movie!
Selfie Dad (Movie) - This comedy shows a man trying to relaunch his failed career as a comic, but he finds a lot more than that.
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