Saturday, March 20, 2021

Christian Ice Breaker Games

LifeStories: Christian Version  (Excellent)
This is a sharing game that's great for getting a group of people to talk. Use it to get to know some new friends or take it to your youth group to break the ice.

(Yes, I'm showing the back of the box on purpose.)


The Art of Christian Conversation (Good
Take turns reading the cards and asking people thought-provoking questions about themselves. It's a good activity to get to know people and to get people talking. It's just not a game where you score points or complete an objective.

Face to Face: Bible Edition (Good
Again, I hesitate to call this a game; you don't score points or play on a board or anything. These are simply questions that you can ask each other. The plus of this game is that draws questions from Bible stories.

Family Talk: Faith Edition (Good)
Some of the questions in this set are about specifically Christian content. Some deal with broader spiritual issues, which is good, because you can use those questions to talk about how our faith addresses them.


The Ungame: Christian Version (Good)
Answer questions while racing around the board. It's a great conversation starter.

The Ungame - Christian Version


Do You Know of Any Other Christian Ice Breaker Games?

Let me know in the comments so that I can add it above! Developers can send review copies if they'd like to.



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