Monday, April 29, 2019

The Best Children's Sermons for the Holidays

Holidays Children’s Sermons

Happy Holy Days! I mean, Holidays! (Hey, so that’s where the word “holidays” came from.)

Sacred or secular, the Christian Church can celebrate every holiday in a way that honors God. Here are my ideas for each of the major American holidays. My hope is that you can also adapt these for similar holidays outside the U.S. fairly easily as the Christian themes should apply throughout the world.
Holy Days: Children's Sermons for the Holidays by [Wilson, Rev. Stephen R.]
Kindle $4.99, Print $7.99

These  children’s sermons include:

Advent and Jesus’ Return – We’re looking forward to Jesus coming back just like the people were looking forward to Him coming the first time
Mary’s Christmas Song – The Magnificat shows us what we should praise God for

The Advent Wreath – God will keep His promise of a resurrection when Jesus comes again

Advent and the Signs of Jesus’ Return – What will the Second Coming be like?

Being Ready for Jesus’ Return – How can we prepare if we don’t know when Jesus will return?

Christmas - More Blessed to Give than to Receive – Why do we give gifts for Christmas?

New Year? New You! – God is always ready to do a new work in our lives!

Martin Luther King, Jr. Day – Let’s Celebrate Our Unity! – God loves diversity, but He unites us in Christ

The Meaning of Ash Wednesday – A reminder of our punishment is also a reminder of our redemption

What is Lent? And Why do We Celebrate It? – An encouragement to follow Christ’s example of obedience for 40 days

Presidents’ Day – A Great Time to Pray – God tells us to pray for our leaders, whether we like them or not

Who was Valentine? – Valentine’s beliefs gave him the courage to celebrate God’s gift of love

St. Patrick Loves His Enemies! – Patrick did the ultimate good for his enemies, just like Jesus wants us to do

Palm Sunday – Welcoming Jesus into Our Hearts – We can welcome Jesus into our hearts, just like the people welcomed Him into the city

How Did Jesus Come Back to Life? – God’s power and His goodness were working together

The Resurrection – Jesus’ resurrection shows us what our resurrection will be like

Mother’s Day – Listening Like King David – All mothers will take it as a ‘thank you’ if their children obey them

Memorial Day – Remembering ALL the Lord’sSoldiers – We honor those who have died in military service and those who have died in service to Christ

Father’s Day – Jesus’ Softer Side – Jesus gives a new idea of what a father’s love looks like

Independence Day – Jesus’ Revolution fromSin – Jesus gives us an even greater freedom than the Revolutionaries

Labor Day – Thank God for Work! – God invented work for us all to be helpful to each other

Halloween – We Know the Real Story about Death – We believe not in ghosts and zombies, but in a Resurrection

All Saint’s Day – Following in the Footsteps of the Faithful – We remember the examples of Christians who have gone before us

Veterans Day – Celebrating Our ArmedPeacekeepers – We thank veterans for being peacemakers

Thanksgiving in Every Circumstance – We can always thank God for something

Recommended Extras

You don’t need anything extra to use the lessons. I will, however, provide some suggestions you might find helpful. You can use these resources in addition to or instead of the ideas I’ve provided.

Here are the resources I recommend for the entire series. I’ll list holiday-specific resources at the start of each section.


Find more short devotionals on my Free Children's Sermons page!

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